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IV Phosphatidylcholine

IV Therapy - Phosphatidylcholine

Every cell in your body is encapsulated by a membrane composed of a double layer of phospholipids (a class of fats with water-loving “head” containing phosphate and a water-hating “tail” of fatty acids joined together). The most abundant phospholipid is Phosphatidylcholine (PC).  Phosphatidylcholine is the pivotal phospholipid that is prevalent in healthy young cell membranes and as we get older and/or ill this phospholipid becomes damaged or gets replaced with less beneficial lipids. Also the lipid layer can trap and store many toxins.  These toxins can impact cell membrane and mitochondrial function (cells energy production) as well as cellular communication.  PC is incorporated into the cell membrane and improves its integrity and serves to improve the transport of nutrients and export toxins across the cell membrane. 

Phosphatidylcholine is also a good source of choline, which is the main component used for the production of the memory enhancing neurotransmitter, acetylcholine.  Phosphatidylcholine is also an excellent fat emulsifier and thus is helpful to improve cholesterol profiles. 

With oral application (capsules & liquid), only ~5-10% of Phosphatidylcholine reaches the blood stream. The other 90% ends up in the enterohepatic pathway and is almost fully incorporated in to the liver cell membrane. While this may be good for the liver, it does not help other parts of the body as much. On the other hand, with intravenous application, 100% of the biologically active PC is distributed throughout the body via the bloodstream.

How is it administered?

Typically, a two-hour infusion of Phosphatidylcholine is given 1-2 times per week.  A minimum of 10 treatments of PC are recommended.  Standard doses start at  350 mg, then increase to 700 mg, and then to 1250 mg per infusion. (Sensitive patients  or patients with a high toxin burden may elect to do a starting dose of 175 mg, and ramp up more slowly.) 

Most patients begin to notice significant health benefits between 8 to 10 treatments.  This is why we recommend the initial 10 treatments in a 1-2 month timeframe, so that you and your provider can evaluate this therapy benefit in a timely fashion.  On average, most patients find peak benefit after an average of 20 treatments. 

Thereafter, some patients may elect to continue monthly maintenance doses for certain conditions such as high cholesterol, heart disease and/or neurologic conditions like Parkinson’s and MS.  Sometimes IV glutathione is given right after PC therapy for additional therapeutic benefit. 

Why would you want to do this?

Chronic illness is associated with poor cell membrane health.  This impacts conditions such as vascular (blood flow to heart, brain and extremities) disease, high cholesterol, liver disease, autoimmune disease, mood disorders, migraines and neurodegenerative disorders such as MS, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, dementia & memory loss. It has also been studied as an novel treatment for steroid-refractory and/or mesalamine-refractory ulcerative colitis. 

By replenishing your cell membranes with healthy phospholipids, you can expect improvement in overall cellular function, repair tight junctions in the intestinal lining, as well as improvement in transport of important nutrients into the cell and export common toxic compounds such as heavy metals, organic pollutants and chemicals like PCBs and pesticides out of the cell. 

Are there any significant side effects?

The only relatively common side effect is lowering of the blood pressure and possible associated lightheadedness.  This is not a dangerous situation and not a reason to discontinue the treatment. Good hydration helps to decrease risk. Other possible side effects may include nausea or loose stools as the body gets used to the infusion.  Occasionally even in good veins, there can be some irritation.  Most patients have no complaints.  

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