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PhotonX Therapy for Detox & Energy

Detox with PhotonX Therapy

Do you suffer from fatigue, even after addressing diet and lifestyle? You may have low ATP.

The result of low ATP is that you may feel exhausted, achy, and/or brain-foggy, no matter how much sleep you get. Low ATP can also result in a buildup of toxins in the body, because the cells simply do not have enough spare energy to "take out the trash.” Toxic load worsens mitochondrial dysfunction even more, resulting in a downward spiral. When this occurs, even improvements in lifestyle and nutrition may not reverse the fatigue (or it could take a lot longer to get a positive effect).

To help reverse that downward spiral and improve wellbeing, we offer photobiomodulation treatment. Our machines, made by Photonix, use low-level laser light to deliver energy to the blood stream.

What is Photo-Bio-Modulation?

(photo = light, bio = living, modulation = change or modify)

Photobiomodulation (aka low-level laser therapy) is being studied and effectively used to treat number medical problems, such as helping to reduce pain and inflammation, and to stimulate healing and tissue regeneration. Different effects occur depending on the wavelength (“color”) of light used & energy dose given. We have 2 different Photonx machines. The RRnR Console emits red light and near infrared light (at 630, 660 and 810 nm), which are used primarily to improve energy and to sharpen mental acuity. The RGB console shines red, green and blue light (at 630, 530 and 405 nm), which may help manage stress and/or improve mobility.

How does it work to detox the body?

This works in may ways. One of the most studied wavelengths is the red color spectrum, which can help improve energy and reduce inflammation. When cells are stressed, their mitochondria (the powerhouses of the cell) begin to malfunction. One reason is due to a build up of nitric oxide (NO), which blocks oxygen use by mitochondrial "machines" called cytochrome c oxidase. Think of a fire being smothered by a blanket, or a motor with the air intake plugged. When oxygen can't get in, the fire can't burn and the motor can't run. The more NO that builds up, the less ATP a mitochondria can make. ATP (short for adenosine triphosphate) is the energy currency of the cell. High NO and low ATP levels result in something called oxidative stress. Oxidative stress leads to increased inflammation, which will further decrease production of ATP. This results in “tired cells” that cannot run like they should. Thus you become tired, achy, foggy, and may eventually get to the point where actual disease becomes a reality. Heart disease, diabetes and cancer are all a consequence of chronic inflammation. While Photonx has not been studied for, nor do they claim that it will reverse disease, it is a new and exciting tool (along with healthy diet/lifestyle and targeted supplements) to help get your body into better balance. 

What's the treatment like?

The Photonx Sublingual Applicator (SLA) sits gently under the tongue while the treatment is given. Most people feel nothing at all, but rarely some may experience mild transient jaw aching, headache and/or nausea. Theoretically “die-off” reactions (temporary flu-like symptoms) are also possible. However to date, there have been no known serious side effects of photobiomodulation.

How long does it last?

Sessions last from 20 to 40 minutes depending on the patient and their particular situation. Sessions can be given as often as once a day, or they can be spread out into one or two sessions a week. Frequency of treatment is individualized based on patient needs and their response to each treatment.

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